{"pageProps":{"_nextI18Next":{"initialI18nStore":{"en":{"common":{"FREE_TRIAL":"Free trial","REQUEST_DEMO":"Request a trial","LEARN_MORE":"Find out more","MAIN_WEBSITE_LINK":"https://www.translationagency.it/en/","HERO":{"TITLE":"TRANSLATIONS AND LANGUAGE SERVICES","DESCRIPTION":"We provide translations for small and large companies operating in the most diverse sectors. We also offer certification, proofreading, interpreting and other language services."},"FEATURES":{"1":{"TITLE":"Multilingual translations","DESCRIPTION":"We offer translations in over 50 languages, from the main ones to those least spoken. Our collaborators only translate into their native language."},"2":{"TITLE":"All kinds of translations","DESCRIPTION":"We work with almost 250 translators worldwide, each specialised in a specific field, thus we can provide translations to small and large companies of all kinds in Italy and abroad."},"3":{"TITLE":"Any file","DESCRIPTION":"Send your file to be translated in any format: PDF, Word, Excel, .idml or PowerPoint, to name a few. We will analyse the content and quickly provide you with a quote which includes rates and delivery times."},"4":{"TITLE":"Fast consultancy","DESCRIPTION":"We respond to your requests within 24 hours: we will be happy to resolve your doubts. You can contact us via email, phone or chat."},"TITLE":"We translate all kinds of texts into different languages","DESCRIPTION":"We promptly respond to your requests"},"STATS":{"1":{"TITLE":"More than thirty years of experience","DESCRIPTION":"For reliable and timely translations."},"2":{"TITLE":"Native translators","DESCRIPTION":"More than 200 collaborators worldwide."},"3":{"TITLE":"Quality control","DESCRIPTION":"To eliminate any typos or transcription errors."},"4":{"TITLE":"Urgent jobs","DESCRIPTION":"We can manage significant workloads with entirely respectable timelines."},"TITLE":"A team of project managers at your service","DESCRIPTION":"Thanks to our network of translators, we guarantee fast deliveries and the highest quality results."},"ABOUT":{"1":{"TITLE":"50","DESCRIPTION":"Countries served worldwide"},"2":{"TITLE":"35+","DESCRIPTION":"Years of experience"},"3":{"TITLE":"250+","DESCRIPTION":"Collaborators"},"4":{"TITLE":"100","DESCRIPTION":"Partner agencies"},"TITLE":"Our team","DESCRIPTION":"United by a passion for languages and communication, we supervise and coordinate the work of more than 250 translators around the world."},"CTA":{"TITLE":"Do you need to translate something?","DESCRIPTION":"Request a 200-word free trial by sending us any kind of file. Or visit our website to learn about all our services."},"CONTACT_FORM":{"TITLE":"Fill in the form","DESCRIPTION_1":"Get a free 200-word trial test.","DESCRIPTION_2":"We quickly respond to any request for information / quote","FIRST_NAME":"First name","SURNAME":"Surname","COMPANY_NAME":"Company Name","EMAIL":"Email","PHONE":"Telephone number","MESSAGE":"Message","FILE":{"TITLE":"Add your file","ADD_FILE_1":"Upload file","ADD_FILE_2":"or drag here","MAX_SIZE":"Maximum size up to"},"PRIVACY_POLICY":{"TITLE":"I accept the Privacy Policy","DESCRIPTION":"The data entered and sent via the following form is collected, recorded, stored and managed in order to allow us to carry out the supply and/or service relationship pursuant to EU Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679. Pursuant to articles 15-21 of the aforementioned Regulation, you can have access to your data and request its modification, deletion or integration at any time; you can also object to its use by writing to:"},"SEND":"Send","SENT":{"TITLE":"Thank you","DESCRIPTION":"You will receive the answer as soon as possible."}}}}},"initialLocale":"en","userConfig":{"i18n":{"locales":["en","it","fr"],"defaultLocale":"en"},"default":{"i18n":{"locales":["en","it","fr"],"defaultLocale":"en"}}}}},"__N_SSG":true}